May 27, 2022
Listen to Sarah and Erin reflect on their conversation with Kelly Needham.
Kelly Needham Reflection Show Notes
Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion by Kelly Needham
The Strong Women Podcast 30. A Mentoring Posture with Barbara Masoner
The Strong Women...
May 25, 2022
Kelly Needham, author of the book Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion, loves Jesus and has a desire for God's Word that radiates from her. Kelly has a passion for friendship, what friendship is for, and how through friendship we learn to find our roots in God. This conversation is full of...
May 20, 2022
Listen to Sarah and Erin reflect on their conversation with Carl Trueman.
Carl Trueman Reflection Show Notes
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman
When Harry Became Sally by Ryan T. Anderson
May 18, 2022
Today we talk with Carl Trueman about his latest book, Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution. In a time where much cultural conversation focuses on gender identity, we often wonder, "How did we get here?" Carl offers insight into how our culture has been...