Jun 28, 2023
We flip the microphone in this episode towards our guest, Erin Kunkle. Erin has been co-hosting Strong Women with me for three years now. The podcast has grown and has become more than the side project it was when we began. Nothing else in Erin’s life has slowed down, so she has made the difficult decision to step out of co-hosting Strong Women. Erin has been and continues to be a strong woman and dear friend in my life, so I wanted to share more of her story with you all.
Maven Parent Podcast
Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan
Keeper of the Bees by Gene Stratton-Porter
Help us equip individuals and institutions to bring restoration to their spheres of influence—for the advance of the Kingdom and the flourishing of culture. Give to support our fiscal-year-end goal at colsoncenter.org/fye23!
Colson Center National Conference Online video content is available now on-demand! This year's theme is "Earth Crammed With Heaven: An Invitation to Encounter God and His Mighty Works." For just $49, you can experience all the main stage talks, breakouts, and panel discussions from our annual Christian worldview conference at your own leisure. Visit colsonconference.org for event details and registration And if you use the promo code “Strongwomen” you can receive $5 off. Sign up today to learn from:
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. | Discovery Institute
Kristen Waggoner | Alliance Defending Freedom
Chris Brooks | Woodside Bible Chapel & Moody Radio
Kristin Collier, MD | University of Michigan
Roland Warren | Care Net
...and many more!
The Strong Women Podcast is a product of the Colson Center which equips Christians to live out their faith with clarity, confidence, and courage in this cultural moment. Through commentaries, podcasts, videos, and more, we help Christians better understand what’s happening in the world, and champion what is true and good wherever God has called them. Learn more about the Colson Center here: https://www.colsoncenter.org/
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