Feb 16, 2022
Last week we talked with Carole Joy Seid about Ruth Bell Graham and this week when we hear the story of Edith Schaeffer, we will see some amazing parallels! Edith also grew up in China where her parents were missionaries. When Edith returned to the United States, she met the man she would marry, Francis Schaeffer. Together Edith and Francis started the ministry of L'Abri in Switzerland, a place where people journey to find honest answers to honest questions. L'Abri was filled with hospitality, art, and creativity because of Edith, and all the while she was writing many good books. Edith's life encourages us to pursue excellence and beauty.
Carole Joy Seid Show Notes – Part Two:
Carole's Website: https://www.carolejoyseid.com/
Carole’s Podcast Homeschool Made Simple: https://www.carolejoyseid.com/blog-1/categories/homeschool-made-simple-podcast
17. Strong Women of the Past with Carole Joy Seid: https://strongwomen.libsyn.com/17-strong-women-of-the-past-with-carole-joy-seid
L'Abri: https://labri.org/
The Tapestry by Edith Shaeffer: https://www.amazon.com/Tapestry-Times-Francis-Edith-Schaeffer/dp/0849930162
Everybody Can Know by Francis Schaeffer and Edith Schaeffer: https://www.amazon.com/Everybody-Can-Know-Francis-Schaeffer/dp/0842307850/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ALG5K0VDFSC8&keywords=Everybody+Can+Know+by+Francis+Schaeffer+and+Edith+Schaeffer&qid=1644849532&sprefix=everybody+can+know+by+francis+schaeffer+and+edith+schaeffer%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-1
Dear Family by Edith Schaeffer: https://www.amazon.com/Dear-family-LAbri-letters-1961-1986/dp/0060670967/ref=sr_1_1?crid=B66VCP53C8PZ&keywords=Dear+Family+by+Edith+Schaeffer&qid=1644849554&sprefix=dear+family+by+edith+schaeffer%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-1
What is a Family by Edith Schaeffer: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/what-is-a-family-edith-schaeffer/1111651083?ean=9780801083655
The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-hidden-art-of-homemaking-edith-schaeffer/1000617413?ean=9780842313988
Affliction by Edith Schaeffer: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/affliction-edith-schaeffer/1103063788?ean=9781441214980
Christianity is Jewish by Edith Schaeffer: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christianity-is-jewish-edith-schaeffer/1000617004?ean=9781610977753
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/for-the-childrens-sake-susan-schaeffer-macaulay/1012895880?ean=9781433506956
How to Be Your Own Selfish Pig by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay: https://www.amazon.com/How-Your-Own-Selfish-Pig/dp/0936163380/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39BVKOA98CDVY&keywords=How+to+Be+Your+Own+Selfish+Pig+by+Susan+Schaeffer+Macaulay&qid=1644849468&sprefix=%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-1
For the Family's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/for-the-familys-sake-susan-s-macaulay/1111700870?ean=9781581341119
Francis Schaeffer: An Authentic Life by Colin Duriez: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/francis-schaeffer-colin-duriez/1112398713?ean=9781433552236
Join Strong Women on Social Media: https://linktr.ee/strongwomencc
Erin and her husband, Brett, run Maven which “exists to help the next generation know truth, pursue goodness, and create beauty, all for the cause of Christ.” Check out more about Maven here: https://maventruth.com/
The Strong Women Podcast is a product of the Colson Center which equips Christians to live out their faith with clarity, confidence, and courage in this cultural moment. Through commentaries, podcasts, videos, and more, we help Christians better understand what’s happening in the world, and champion what is true and good wherever God has called them. Learn more about the Colson Center here: https://www.colsoncenter.org/
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